Category Archives: Uncategorized

I have been feverishly working on two baby quilts for twin girls that will soon make their appearance. Piecing the bird blocks was a piece of cake. I found the free pattern online and adjusted it to make it square. I later found an idea for the pieced border. It took me longer to do it than it did to make the birds. And then a friend suggested that I should call the quilts Rockin’ Robin which gave me the idea for the embroidery. I’m liking how these quilts are turning out.

I am now working on piecing backings so that I can get these on the longarm and get them quilted.

Our Oklahoma October started out in the 90s and ended in the 20s. Talk about going from one extreme to the other! And it snowed on the 30th! Extremely unusual for this part of the country. On the positive side with all of these too-hot-for-me and too-cold-for-me temps, I stayed in a lot and got quite a bit accomplished.

Oh, and I could have gotten more done if my husband hadn’t tangled with a copperhead.  We spent an entire day in the emergency room while they monitored him and did repeated blood tests to determine what changes were taking place.  Fortunately no changes in his blood so no antivenom had to be administered.  His ankle is still a bit tender but he has been back on his feet since about three days after the bite.  Then there were the two days that my dad fell and had to have CT scans to make sure he wasn’t having any bleeding in his brain.  And thankfully he was also fine except for a little bump and a scrape on his arm.  His doctor has since ordered home health, and a physical therapist is working with daddy to improve his balance.  I was the one who suffered permanent medical issues from all of this.  My blood pressure went a bit haywire, and my medication had to be increased.  A wild month to say the least.  Everything is back to normal now.

I finished Aspen’s quilt and the doll quilt that we are giving her for Christmas. I do still need to add the labels, so technically they aren’t quite finished yet. But I’m calling it a finish.  I’m sure somebody has done a pattern like these two quilts, but I haven’t seen them. I just had an idea for what I wanted to do and started cutting and sewing. I’m pretty pleased with the results. I used two layers of Hobb’s 80/20 batting on the twin size quilt with a single layer in the doll quilt and quilted them using a panto called Crayon Scribbles by Anne Bright Designs. It is one of the most difficult pantographs I’ve used, so perfect quilting it is not.


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In addition, I put together 4 baby quilt tops and finished one of them. I found this really quick-to-make pattern called Baby Bento Box online. I’ve also seen some variations that I may try later. I suppose because of the fabrics on a couple of these tops that these would be better as lap quilts. I really had fun quilting the little bunny one. I had never done clamshells so tried my hand at that using a 4” circle ruler and Lisa Calle’s technique. The quilt would have been just fine with the overall clamshell quilting, but I thought it looked a bit plain so added some free-motion feathers in each clamshell. I like it so much better now.


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My month wasn’t 100% success story. I had a flannel shirt that I wanted to add lace to the back of to make it more feminine. Sadly it didn’t turn out to my liking; and since I didn’t want to spend time ripping out everything I had just sewn in, I am going to send it to the thrift store. Somebody will like it. Maybe.


I did spend some time working on mine and my husband’s quilt this month. Last month I only had sewn blocks into 5 rows. I now have blocks sewn into 15 rows. Let’s see……15 rows times 29 blocks……..that’s 435 blocks! If our weather is going to keep being this cold, I had better get a move on and finish this quilt so we will be cozy and warm this winter. But there’s so many other things I want to make………..


Oh, and I found my missing string blocks!  They were between two books on my bookshelf.  I had put them there to keep them nice and flat until I had an empty project box to put them in.  It was really strange how I found them since I had already turned the house upside down three times looking for them and had given up.  So after about a month, I started thinking about them again.  So I walked into the sewing room and straight to that shelf to start searching again when right in front of me at eye level was the corner of one of them sticking out from between the books.  This second search has to be the shortest search on record.  Those wayward blocks are now safely stored in their own box waiting for me to make more.

string blocks

Happy Crafting,


Memories of our dear friend who passed early this month have filled many of my thoughts lately.  Bill has been a friend to my husband and me since 1979.  He was our best friend.  We will miss him greatly.  Those of us who are left behind must plod on, so I did my best to complete my goals for the month in spite of my deep sadness.

  • My weekly goal of three Quad Log Cabin blocks was met with 12 blocks completed. I now have a total of 150 blocks stored in that nice big white box waiting for the remaining 42 blocks to be completed.  Last month’s color theme was mostly pinks and oranges while this month is greens and yellows.  Seriously, I don’t plan this.  When I started this quilt, I systematically went through all of my yard goods and fat quarters pulling all that I thought would make a pretty, bright- colored block.  This is just the order my fabrics were in when I pulled them.


  • I’ve stopped working towards my goal of finishing a quilt each month this year. Why? Because I’ve already finished more than a dozen while adding to my total this month by finishing 4 more placemats.  You see, it doesn’t matter the size – just that a quilt gets done for each month.  On top of that, I got the last 5 placemats quilted.  I will get them bound in October.  Did anybody notice that I finished 2 in July, 3 in August, 4 this month, and will finish 5 next month?  How’d that happen?  LOL


  • I also started putting another quilt top together called Square Dance.  This one is done on the diagonal.  To keep things from getting too bulky, I work the top left corner and the bottom right corner adding a row to each before moving on.  So I have two sections like this that are the same size and another row of blocks ready to sew together.  When I think the quilt is large enough or when I run out of fabric whichever comes first, I will join them with a center row.


  • I spent a day at my sister’s helping her fold fabrics so that she could get them organized on her shelves. We called it a Fabric Petting Fest.  Had a great time!  So far we’ve folded over 300 pieces of yard goods, and I have no idea how many fat quarters we folded.  She still has tubs and tubs and tubs of fabric yet to be folded!  I texted her the next week and asked which day she wanted to pet fabric, but she wouldn’t commit and has yet to set another day.  It has been three weeks since we had our Fabric Petting Fest.  I was hoping that if I got her started that she would keep the momentum going.  Sigh.
  • My husband and I went on a Fix-It Tour a couple of days this month. We do that quite often because my parents are no longer able to do their own repairs anymore, and my little sister and her husband are neither one capable of fixing things.  Mom and dad needed their wheelchair ramp redecked, and a tail light was not working properly in our brother-in-law’s car.  We also helped out our niece by tracking down an electrical problem in her mobile home.  We found and took care of the major problem, but there are three outlets that are not working which we were not able to repair.  Replacing the outlets didn’t work.  No worry though since they are not really needed since there are many, many outlets in that kitchen with some very near these three.
  • I scored a Coldwater Creek long-sleeved shirt at the thrift store for $2. I brought it home, washed it, and removed the collar since I really don’t like collars.  It looks brand new.  A nice addition to my cooler weather wardrobe.  I’ve also started altering other pieces that I already have in my closet because I lost 15 pounds and they are too big.  It’s a nice problem to have.


  • My last finish for the month is this cute purple sweater coat I made for my girls.


So not nearly as much accomplished this month as in previous months.  And next month may not be as productive as this month.  You see, I’ve been called for jury duty.  If I am ultimately chosen to serve on the jury, I may be tied up for up to two weeks.  We’ll see if I feel like doing much sewing when I get home after sitting in court all day.  Sigh.

Happy crafting,


Summer is here and although we have had some rather cool days for June, our days are starting to get up into the high 90s and very humid making it feel much hotter.  Very hot days were predicted for the weekend we had the family reunion but Mother Nature decided to give us temperatures in the low to mid 80s with a nice breeze.  It was wonderful!  The reunion was a grand success, and we plan on having it at our place again next year.

With the reunion, cleaning up, and getting everything back in their storage places, my crafting time this month has been cut short.  And in addition to all that, my husband had surgery this month.  So I played nurse for a few days.  He’s not a good patient; but in all fairness, I am not a good nurse either.  LOL  But I have managed some finishes and some progress on other things.

  • My weekly goal of three Quad Log Cabin blocks was met with 12 blocks completed. I now have a total of 110 blocks stored in that nice big white box waiting for the remaining 82 blocks to be completed.  I love seeing the number of blocks completed increase as the other number decreases.  It gives me just enough boost to keep me going on this long-term project.


  • I got all of the appliqués fused to the 14 placemats. I hope to get them all stitched down in July, but it will be a tedious job so may take two months to do that.  And if I decide to do the appliqué stitching by hand, I will allow myself three or four months to get them all done.  That will leave plenty of time to quilt and bind them and have them ready for Christmas giving.  To give you an idea of how tedious this is going to be, here is a picture of half a leaf and there are eight of these tiny intricate pieces to do on each of those 14 placemats.  Yes, you did see that right.  That piece is 2 1/2 inches wide x approximately 1 1/4 inches tall with a lot of ins and outs.


I finished quilting my nephew’s quilt.  I did have a problem when quilting the outer border.  My nephew pressed the seam between the inner black border and the outer orange print border toward the orange.  Doing the beadboard quilting required me to stitch in the ditch which unfortunately in this case was on the black.  Why was this a problem you ask?  I was using a bright yellow/red/orange/green variegated thread, and I am not the best at stitching in the ditch.  But I found a solution which cost me some extra time but worked.  I used a black Pigma pen to color the variegated thread where it was not supposed to be showing but was.  Now you see it; now you don’t.  In spite of this minor problem, this quilt was such fun to quilt!

IMG_7757    IMG_7759





  •  My youngest sister moved from an apartment to a duplex and needed new curtains.  She wanted light pink and blue in her kitchen, so I pulled all my blue and pink fabrics for her to choose from.  She chose a very light pastel pink and blue plaid.  I made simple cafe curtains with a valance and gathered them on spring loaded curtain rods.  They look real cute, but I forgot to take a picture.  Maybe I’ll remember to take pictures when I take the curtains to her for her dining, living, and bedroom which are now in the works.
  • I have given up on my goal to finish a doll clothes pattern every other month. So far this year although three have been in the works, I’ve only finished one.  I knew it was a lofty goal and gave it my best shot.  But life got in the way.  So doll clothes patterns have been removed from my goals list.  But on a positive note, I’ve sold two copies of the one pattern that I published this year, and it has only been available for one month.  Not one of my hottest patterns, but not a failure either.  I did receive pictures from the coat pattern tester of her finished coat. It is as cute as can be.  And she sent me some very good constructive comments that I hope to get incorporated into my instructions in time for a Fall release.

Oh, did I mention that my husband bought me a new sewing machine?  It is a Bernina 590!  I’ve already taken my classes and am definitely enjoying sewing on this dream machine.  I hope to come up with an embroidery project soon so I can try out the embroidery module.  Fun!  Fun!

Until next month, happy crafting,



As the new year started, like most people I set myself some goals.  It worked for me last year, so why not again this year.  So my goals for this year are

  • Weekly goal – make three quad Log Cabin blocks.  I need 192 four inch blocks for the quilt I’m working on.  It is going to take me over a year to get them all done.  So why am I not making more of these each week?  First of all, I’m not in a hurry.  “Really?” you say.  Yes, I know this is painfully obvious.  Secondly, I don’t like doing the same thing over and over and over.  I get bored.  So I’m putting some other things into my schedule to keep things from getting monotonous.  Which brings me to my…..
  • Monthly goal – finish a quilt.  I had a bunch of men’s cotton shirts that I cut into 2 ½” squares.  I’m turning these squares into quilts that will be donated.  I am sewing these squares into 2 ½” strips mixed in with a background fabric so that it creates a particular design when the strips are sewn together.  Then I load my backing and batting onto my longarm frame and sew each strip to them.  Doing it this way, I finish sewing the quilt top together and complete the quilting at the same time.  Then all I need to do is bind them.  It’s a very quick way to make a quilt which leaves me time to work on my…..
  • 2-month goal – publish a doll clothes pattern.  Well, maybe I should make that a year long goal of publishing 6 doll clothes patterns because I am pretty sure my first pattern is not going to be published by March 1.

January Accomplishments:

  • Weekly goals were met with 15 quad Log Cabin blocks completed.


  • Monthly goal was met by finishing a western themed quilt for a baby boy.  Don’t you just love this pantograph?



  • Progress was made on my 2-month goal of completing a doll clothes pattern. I have the fabrics to make one more garment from the pattern while I take some better pictures to go into the pattern instructions.  In an effort to speed this pattern up, I will work on it before I finish the quilt for February because I need to get it to the testers.  Then I’m at the mercy of how long the testers take to make it up and send me their feedback.  After I receive their feedback, the pattern will need some tweaking before being published.  It is quite a drawn out process.  Shhhhhhhhhhhh…it’s a secret, so pictures will have to come later.
  • I made a pair of house shoes for my oldest granddaughter for her birthday.  If you look closely, you will be able to see the dragonfly print on the fabric.


  • I also worked on a doll sweater that will eventually be turned into a pattern.    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh….another secret.  No pictures until the pattern is published.  Sorry.
  • I crocheted a hat and scarf for my dolls.  The only stitch used in the scarf was a slip stitch – a first for me.  Nikki does so enjoy being my model.


I was telling my mom about my goals, what I had accomplished during January and what I need to accomplish during February.  In her very own back-handed supportive way she said to me, “February is a short month, you know.”  LOL

Have a wonderful, but short, crafty February,
